“A few years ago I found myself in need of an unexpected career change. I wasn’t sure how to proceed and when a friend of mine offered me a job I jumped at the opportunity. Although it was a good job I wasn’t happy and after a few days I said, “thanks, but no thanks”. This really puzzled me as it was something I had done before and something I was good at.
By chance I came upon an ad for Career Bridges and thought why not give it a try as I had no idea of what I wanted to do or what I might be good at. It wasn’t too long into the program that things started to make sense and I could see all the opportunities that lay before me. I really liked the testing they did as it’s one thing to pursue a new career but it’s another to see if you have the aptitude and education for it. As well the job stations were great as it gave me a chance to see if the career I was thinking on pursuing was for me.
When I finally decided which career to pursue the career counsellors helped me to come up with a long term plan with manageable short term goals. My plan included further education which was a big commitment but well worth it when I graduated from the Human Services Program at Holland College and started my new career at Tremploy Inc.”